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Komix Herbal held a Goes To School Talkshow at SMKN 1 Rangas, Mamuju, to educate Gen-Z about herbal medicine and wisely choose health information.

Komix Herbal successfully held a Talkshow "Healthy Generation, Herbal Generation, Time for Gen-Z to Get to Know Herbal" at Adiwangsa University Jambi. This event aims to increase awareness of the younger generation towards the importance of health through the use of herbal medicine.

Komix Herbal held a Talkshow Goes To School at SMKN 1 Simpang Empat, educating students about herbal medicine, wise self-medication, and verification of health information. The event discussed the benefits of red ginger and lagundi leaves in relieving coughs, encouraging the younger generation to be more aware of safe herbal medicine.

Komix Herbal held a Goes To School Talkshow at SMAN 1 Banjarmasin. As a generation that is up-to-date with information, Gen-Z needs to be equipped with education so that they are not easily fooled by health hoaxes on social media.

Komix Herbal held a Talkshow Goes To School at MAN 1 Belitung. The hope is that with herbal education from various sources, Gen-Z will become wiser about information by filtering before sharing.

Komix Herbal collaborated to organize education for high school / vocational school students in Yogyakarta. The educational materials presented at this event ranged from self-medication to being wise in social media about drugs and herbs.

PT Bintang Toedjoe through the Komix Herbal brand held a Talkshow Goes To School at the Shafiyyatul Amaliyyah Education Foundation (YPSA) Medan, which discussed the benefits and properties of herbal medicines.

PT Bintang Toedjoe through Komix Herbal brand held another Talkshow Goes To School, this time targeting pharmacy vocational school, SMKN 5 Pangkalpinang.

Komix Herbal held an educational talk show entitled “Generasi Sehat, Generasi Herbal” at SMA Negeri 1 Gresik. This event aims to introduce the younger generation to the importance of consuming herbal medicines safely and correctly.

PT Bintang Toedjoe through the Komix Herbal brand held another Talkshow Goes To School, this time at SMKN 2 Makassar, this roadshow concept activity educates about medicine and herbs.