PT Bintang Toedjoe welcomes Industrial Visit from SMK Analis Kimia YKPI Bogor
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, PT Bintang Toedjoe welcomed the presence of SMK Analis Kimia YKPI Bogor to carry out company visit activities.
The activity began with a warm welcome from the company who also gave a presentation about the company profile. After that, during this visit, the students were invited to explore various learning places and production facilities at PT Bintang Toedjoe such as visiting the Red Ginger Garden, laboratory, production area and viewing gallery.
This company visit activity provides great benefits for students of SMK Analis Kimia YKPI Bogor. They not only get a real picture of the work process in the industry, but also understand how the theory learned at school is applied in the world of work. Many students expressed a sense of awe and enthusiasm after seeing first-hand how the production process of PT Bintang Toedjoe products.
“This visit is very useful for us because we happen to be from a chemical analyst school, so the knowledge and experience gained from this visit is very relate to the theory that has been learned at school. So we would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to visit PT Bintang Toejoe”, said Mrs. Nur Azizah Khoirunnisa - Teacher of SMK Analis Kimia YKPI Bogor.
Hopefully, this company visit can provide great benefits for students, especially in broadening their horizons about the industrial world. In addition, it is hoped that students of SMK Analis Kimia YKPI Bogor will be more familiar with the products produced by PT Bintang Toedjoe.