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Komix Herbal, together with the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI), provided red ginger training for communities in vulnerable areas in North Sumatra

This initiative is part of their alternative development program aimed at reducing narcotics abuse and trafficking (17/7/2024). The training took place at the Main Potential University Hall, with 115 participants learning about the cultivation, processing, and marketing of red ginger.

This training is part of a series of events launching the Bimtek Life Skills for Prone Areas throughout Indonesia, held at JW Marriott, Medan, North Sumatra. The goal is to enhance the capacity of P4GN Activists to proactively develop their regions' potential and form productive, economically independent communities free from narcotics abuse and illicit trafficking.

Zaini Ahsan Prahendra from PT. Bintang Toedjoe delivered the training on red ginger cultivation. "We not only provide practical training but also offer resources such as red ginger seeds, fertilizer, planting media, polybags, and fungicides for home garden planting. Additionally, we cover processing and marketing of red ginger," he explained.

Evanie Noer Putri, Public Relations & Community Development Manager of PT Bintang Toedjoe, emphasized that processed red ginger products must be legally registered with the appropriate authorities to be accepted by consumers. Fikry Koja, a marketing and sales practitioner, also discussed the entrepreneurial potential and marketing strategies for red ginger.

Eva, a participant, appreciated the training's benefits. "I thought planting red ginger was easy, but my previous attempts failed. The training clarified the critical steps in the process, including marketing," she said.

Komix Herbal, a leading product of PT Bintang Toedjoe, is a herbal cough medicine made from natural ingredients such as red ginger and lagundi leaves.

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