Maintaining the High Standards
Based on the company values of PT Bintang Toedjoe in providing health for customers, we are committed to provide healthy, safe, and qualified products. Both products and ingredients must be tested from start to finish in order to ensure their high quality. PT Bintang Toedjoe continues to create science-based innovations for products aimed to maintain customers’ health. We also established strict standards and policies for each process to ensure that we have implemented our safety and quality commitment.
In strengthening the commitment towards PT Bintang Toedjoe values, we conduct approaches for quality, product safety, and security from start to finish, by establishing high policies and standards.
Innovating Responsibility Through innovation in producing healthy products, Quality by Design must be implemented during early stages of production, meaning that a science-based innovation is a must and all risks must be evaluated. PT Bintang Toedjoe also ensures that all quality, food safety, and security standards are fulfilled during the production process.
Focus on Quality
PT Bintang Toedjoe is committed to produce quality products from start to finish, because we understand that quality, product security, and safety are not negotiable. We also control quality, safety, and security in all product cycles and processes based on good manufacturing practice. We only use halal ingredients and determine their specifications ourselves, while our facilities for medicine, traditional medicine, and food have been designed to prevent contamination and safety hazards and ensure product security. The implementation of good manufacturing practices has been conducting in each process as we adopt the standards of ISO 9001, CPOB (Pulogadung Site), CPOTB, Halal Assurance System, CPPOB (Cikarang Site) and Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000 (Cikarang Site). During the quality process control, our systems are verified by an independent inspector, while our laboratory has conducted hundreds of tests each year to ensure the high quality of our products.
Nourish Environment
As a company with PROPER Green and Blue certifications, we are responsible for the environment and public in where we stand. We continue to comply with the ISO 14001, as well as local and national environmental regulations, conducting more efforts to minimize environmental impacts.