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Moment of Eid al-Adha: Komix Herbal Together with DKM BNN RI Celebrates "Ikhlas Qurbannya, Sehat Batinnya (Sincere Qurbani, Healthy Inner Mind)"

JAKARTA – (14/06/24) PT Bintang Toedjoe, through the Komix Herbal brand, symbolically handed over sacrificial animals to the Mosque Prosperity Council of the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (DKM BNN RI) at the BNN RI Headquarters. This moment represents Komix Herbal's commitment to sharing with others, especially the community within the DKM BNN RI environment.

The celebration of Eid al-Adha in 2024 will be commemorated on 10 Dzulhijjah, which falls on Monday, 17 June 2024, according to the official announcement from the government through the Ministry of Religion Republic of Indonesia. The Limousin cattle were handed over by the Head of Marketing of PT Bintang Toedjoe, Arwin Nugraha, to the Deputy for Community Empowerment, Drs. Heri Maryadi, M.M.

Komix Herbal conducts qurban activities annually. "Almost every year, we conduct qurban activities with our colleagues at Central BNN, except during COVID-19. We are starting again this year with the theme 'Ikhlas Qurbannya, Sehat Batinnya (Sincere Qurbani, Healthy Inner Mind).' The hope is that this theme conveys a message to everyone that sacrifice, as an act of worship, must be sincere, and the inner health of the sacrificer is also paramount," said Arwin, Head of Marketing.

In his speech, the Deputy for Community Empowerment at BNN RI expressed his gratitude for PT Bintang Toedjoe's concern through the Komix Herbal brand, especially towards the community within the Mosque Prosperity Council of the Central National Narcotics Agency.

Don't let an unfit body condition due to coughing interfere with community activities when slaughtering sacrificial animals. If cough symptoms appear, immediately consume Komix Herbal. Komix Herbal is a herbal cough medicine made from natural ingredients such as red ginger and lagundi leaves. Lagundi leaves (Vitex negundo) contain active compounds like flavonoids, alkaloids, and triterpenoids, which have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and expectorant properties. Due to these properties, lagundi leaves have been used in traditional medicine to relieve coughs.

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