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Red Ginger Collaboration to Fulfill the HATINYA PKK Program through Herbal Village in Bogor Region

Being encouraged to raise the public awareness in preserving the environment and increasing the community economy, PT. Bintang Toedjoe is collaborating with the Regional Government of  Bogor and TP-PKK of Bogor to inaugurate the Herbal Village and harvest Red Ginger in Desa Bonjong Nangka Village, Gunung Putri District, and Pamegarsari Village, Parung District, Bogor Region. In creating the herbal village, PT Bintang Toedjoe has conducted a cultivation training of red ginger and its seeds, planting media, and fertilizers, with a total of 140 trained family patriarchs.

The initiation of the Herbal Village program began with hopes of collaborating herbal plants such as red ginger through the HEART OF PKK program, where red ginger is planted in all backyards and becomes a family medicinal plant. The involvement and participation of all the people in this herbal village environment determine the success of the program.

The actualization of the Herbal Village is the use of land for public facilities and backyards of villagers’ houses for red ginger inside a polybag. This family medicinal plant can become an alternative medication and have a high economical value to be cultivated. The implementation of the polybag as a planting media for red ginger becomes a solution for house yards with limited planting media.

Besides increasing and improving the community economy, this herbal village program can encourage the people’s behavior and awareness of the importance of preserving the environment by utilizing their yards with useful plants.

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