Supplier Connect 2024 : Develop Relationship with Supplier and Bank to Build Economic Growth
On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, PT Bintang Toedjoe held the first activity initiated by the Finance team, a program that aims to strengthen the Company's communication with suppliers, introduce the latest products and services from Banking, and discuss strategies that suppliers will take to face future challenges.
Located at the Indonesia International Institute for Life-Sciences (i3L), East Jakarta, the activity was attended by 53 people who were representatives of suppliers PT Bintang Toedjoe and PT Saka Farma Laboratories.
The event was opened with a brief presentation related to digitalization that has been carried out by the Company, especially in the Finance section by the Bintang Toedjoe and Saka Farma Laboratories teams, which was then continued by the presentation of the Economic Outlook 2025 and introduced to vendors a new breakthrough in the payment scheme, namely Supplier Financing in collaboration with HSBC Bank, which allows suppliers or suppliers to get payment faster than the payment period agreed upon by the Company with the Supplier Financing program.
In the middle of the event, there was a coffee break and closed with lunch that had been provided. The event went smoothly and all invited guests enjoyed the moment of togetherness and light discussion between suppliers, companies and bank representatives. This banquet is expected to give vendors a good experience with the Company and Banking and increase each vendor's satisfaction with the event.
The event was very enthusiastically attended and received a positive response from all supplier representatives. Through this Supplier Connect event, it is hoped that the Company can provide financing facilities to compatible suppliers so that it can help suppliers to receive faster payments, improve cash flow, and reduce financial pressure from the Supplier side.
Hopefully, this Supplier Connect event can become a periodic routine activity for the following years, so that the cooperation that has been established between the company and suppliers can run more closely and better in the future.