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PT Bintang Toedjoe Holds Green Program for the Community: Sharing Ideas and Solutions in Sukamahi Village

Bekasi, October 3, 2024, PT Bintang Toedjoe once again held an education for the community, with the theme "Green Program for the Community: Sharing Ideas and Solutions; Bintang Toedjoe Shares Experiences About: Red Ginger Cultivation, How to Save Energy, and Readiness to Enter the World of Work". This educational activity was held at the Sukamahi Village Head Office, Central Cikarang, which was attended by 30 representatives of the Sukamahi Village community.

This activity is the company's commitment to educate the community and raise awareness in environmental management to preserve the environment.

"As a company that has an impact on the environment, we always strive to reduce the negative impacts of the processes carried out in our company, one of which is through this green program," said Wempie Gressangga, Quality System Manager of PT Bintang Toedjoe.

PT Bintang Toedjoe as a pharmaceutical company as well as a modern herbal company that uses red ginger as the basic ingredient for its products, provides education on red ginger cultivation to the Sukamahi Village Community, most of whom are farmers.

"The main component that we carry is red ginger, because we have an ideal to elevate this native Indonesian plant, red ginger, to the world stage. So, if Korea has ginseng, Indonesia has red ginger," said Evanie Noer Putri, Public Relations & Community Development Manager of PT Bintang Toedjoe.

As an effort to reduce the negative impact on the environment, in this activity PT Bintang Toedjoe also educates on several things, starting from the management of Non-B3 waste that is not good for the environment and how to manage household solid waste efficiently through the manufacture of compost fertilizer which was explained by Bernardus Asto Wicaksono, General Affairs Supervisor of PT Bintang Toedjoe. Efficient use of energy through the use of LED lights and how to reduce household waste by using non-disposable shopping bags which was explained by Voppy Anggraito, Engineering Manager of PT Bintang Toedjoe. In addition, to educate people who will enter the workforce, Ignasius Satrio Pinandito, Learning & Culture Officer of PT Bintang Toedjoe provided material on preparation for entering the workforce.

PT Bintang Toedjoe continues to be committed to being a company that is beneficial to the community, to support the activities of the Sukamahi Village community in implementing this educational activity, PT Bintang Toedjoe provides compost making packages, red ginger seed packages, and LED downlight lamps.

"We as the organizers of the Sukamahi Village Government who are in direct contact with the community, hope that this education can be useful for the Sukamahi Village community so that in the future they can preserve the environment better," concluded Ada Andri, Head of Sukamahi Village.

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